How to Perform Your Own Drain Cleaning Before Calling Professional Drain Cleaning Service

How to Perform Your Own Drain Cleaning Before Calling Professional Drain Cleaning Service

Residential properties with clogged drains run the risk of experiencing extreme inconvenience – or even damage to their plumbing systems in some cases. The good news is that many drain issues can be managed before seeking out professional blocked toilet drain services in North Shore, saving you time and money. 

In this blog, we will compile six tried-and-true DIY techniques for tackling most common types of clogs caused by chemical concentrations, food product buildup, and grease accumulation. Read on to learn more about fixing your home’s underground drains and sewer lines back up to speed.

Don’t Forget Tried and True Hot Water Trick

With a simple yet powerful combination of heat and force, there’s no need to resort to chemical-based drain cleaners for clogged or dirty drains. A hot water flush could be the most effective solution. All it takes is running some hot water through your pipes for 15 minutes! Without any added cost or effort, this potentially low-energy cleaning technique can help restore them back into peak working condition in an efficient manner.

Make Use of What You Have

If you’re dealing with a clogged or slow running drain pipe, consider trying simple techniques to clean it out. Before reaching for specialised equipment or calling on an expert blocked sewer drain specialist in North Shore, use the plunger in your bathroom and be sure to try an optimised sink plunger if that’s what you’ve got. Simply cover the entire opening of the drain with the head of your tool and press back and forth smoothly for about one to two minutes. This may just do the trick without any added effort or cost.

To get the best seal when plunging, try adding a layer of petroleum jelly around your plunger’s rim. This will improve the suction and help you achieve maximum power. Additionally, be sure to mask any overflow vents on sinks or other fixtures for increased effectiveness. Otherwise, all that built-up pressure could escape into thin air.

Use Chemical Drain Cleaners

Clearing blocked drains can be an inconvenient and difficult task but repairing them doesn’t have to put a dent in your wallet or expose you to hazardous chemicals. By investing some time, effort, and small amounts of common household ingredients, you can effectively clean your drains without breaking the bank. 

One of the most cost-effective techniques is homemade liquid cleaners, which can be prepared with solutions like vinegar and baking soda. When combined, this simple but powerful mixture reacts to break down any debris that may be stuck in your pipes. Furthermore, unlike some commercial formulas, such homemade solutions carry no risk of harsh damage or corrosion to plumbing after prolonged use.

Learn How to Use the Snake Properly

Whether it’s the kitchen sink, shower drain, or toilet, a drain snake can be a real lifesaver when it’s time to clear out clogs and grease buildup in your plumbing system. Unlike caustic drain cleaners that rely on damaging chemicals to dissolve gunk and risking damage to your pipes in the process, a plumber’s snake is a simple yet effective way to handle those tough clogs while being easy on your wallet too.

For homeowners in North Shore looking into getting their own professional blocked drain repair tool for DIY plumbing maintenance, you can find reliable drain snakes available at any local home improvement. Just make sure to carefully follow its instructions on product packaging for safe handling as well.

DIY drain snaking is becoming increasingly popular among homeowners. It’s a great way to unclog your drain quickly and affordably without having to call in the professionals. But it’s not just economical, it’s also easy to master. All you need is some easy equipment and a few simple steps. 

  • Feed the snake into your drain pipe, turning the handle clockwise until you encounter resistance. 
  • Next, rotate the snake against the blockage until it latches onto whatever is clogging your pipes. 
  • Pull out the snake slowly so that all that pesky clogged material comes out with it. 

As long as you have all three of these steps down pat, your problems with clogged drains will be a thing of the past. No remodeling necessary, just good old-fashioned DIY snaking techniques.

Soda to Unclog Drains

Sometimes the most unheard-of techniques for tackling drain clogs can be the most effective solutions. Take, for example, that sugary sodas can resolve clogged drains just as effectively as homemade and commercial cleaners. What sets this approach apart from other solutions is its inclusion of phosphoric acid, an agent that helps dissolve debris and is far less damaging than chemical methods. This goes to prove that it pays to think outside the box when it comes to choosing a drain cleaner; sometimes an unconventional technique is simply the best.

When all else fails, it’s time to seek the expertise of blocked sewer drain professionals in North Shore. If you live in North Shore, Revolution Pipe Relining is your go-to blocked drain repair company. With more than four decades of plumbing expertise, you can feel confident in knowing that your underground drain and sewer woes will be resolved speedily and efficiently. To request an estimate or schedule a consultation, call our direct line on 1300 844 353 today.

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