How to Resolve Blocked Toilet Problems at your Sydney Home

A blocked toilet is a nuisance for Sydney residential homeowners. More than an inconvenience, blocked toilets also make your home less comfortable and less sanitary to live in. To resolve blocked toilet drains, most homeowners resort to using commercially available drain cleaning solutions. Although these products were developed to unblock toilets for Sydney homeowners to use, they only provide short-term relief. To clear blocked toilets effectively, you will need the services of a professional plumbing problem offering toilet unblocking service that can guarantee permanent results. 

How to unblock toilets in Sydney?

You may have attempted to unblock your toilet at one point in time. It’s not the most pleasant chore on the weekends, when you’re supposed to relax and spend time with your loved ones. Even the most advanced toilet systems suffer from blockages from time to time. 

The task of clearing blocked toilets may look uncomplicated, but to prevent it from becoming a recurring problem, you need to be more knowledgeable on blocked toilet fixes and remedies. 

Using a toilet plunger is one way that most people deal with blocked toilet issues. It is necessary especially if I need to clear the blockage immediately. When handling this task, you need to keep these pointers in mind:

Plunger Use to Unblock Toilet

  • Wear gloves. Always make sure to protect yourself when clearing out a blocked toilet. Water backup or stagnant water on your toilet is unsanitary and may harbour disease-causing germs. 
  • If your toilet won’t flush, this is indicative of blockages further down along the drain pipes. You will need a plunger to remove the blockage and restore your toilet to optimal working condition. 
  • When using a plunger to solve a blocked toilet issue, be gentle. The bell of the plunger is filled with air before your first plunger, so make sure to be gentle during this step. Taking a hard plunge will most definitely spray water all over and out of the toilet bowl. 
  • Follow up the gentle initial plunge with vigorous plunging up to 25 times. The vigorous plunging motion will push water back and forth resulting in successful removal of most blockages. 
  • For effective toilet unblocking using a plunger, alternate between steady strokes and large heaves. 
  • Always make sure that the toilet plunger is filled with cover, or else you will fail to create significant pressure to remove the clog down your drain. 

Snake Use to Unblock Toilet

  • For mild blockages, you may also consider the use of a toilet snake. A snake is a long wire coil that screws into the blockage, successfully moving materials up or down the main pipe system. 
  • You may also use the snake to break down solid materials that have blocked your toilet. Breaking clogs down to smaller pieces makes it easier to move waste down the main line. 
  • You can use the snake in combination with plunger use for best results. 

The use of a plunger and a snake is recommended over the use of toilet draining solutions. Commercial toilet draining products contain chemicals that can damage the pipes over time. 

Why should you seek professional toilet unblocking service?

  • Major Blockages

If the obstruction cannot be removed by a plunger or snake, it’s time to seek the expertise of professional plumbers. Professional toilet unblocking service is safer and more effective than dealing with major blockages yourself. 

Also, dealing with a blocked toilet yourself with a plunger and snake can result in more problems. If you are not following the proper techniques, you may end up breaking the wax ring at the base of your toilet. Breach of the wax ring can result in flooding and serious water damage. Never resort to the use of commercial drain cleaners as they can cause corrosion and leakages that are harder and more expensive to fix. 

  • Continuous Toilet Operation

One of the lesser-known symptoms of toilet problems is the non-stop whirlpool in your bathroom. If the toilet system is always running, this can mean you have a more serious problem underneath. If you don’t solve this issue, you will end up with higher water bills in the long run. A professional plumber will be able to diagnose the cause of abnormal operations and resolve the issue right away. Only plumbers have specialised tools to solve blocked toilets and other toilet-related issues. 

  • Foreign Object Obstruction

Foreign object obstruction is a common cause of blocked toilets in households with children. You may have not noticed your child flushing down their toys down the toilet. Smaller action figures and other foreign objects are flushed further down the toilet leading to serious blockages or even damage to your sewer lines. You can avoid costly sewer line repair by calling a professional plumber for prompt and effective unblocking toilet service. 

Reliable Unblocking Toilet Service in Sydney

Why endure unblocking the toilet yourself when you can call a professional plumbing company to do the dirty work for you? Seeking an expert plumber to clear a blocked drain is more effective, economical, and convenient. For reliable and trustworthy blocked toilet repair in Sydney, Revolution Pipe Relining is the company you can trust. With years of cumulative experience, we can solve just about any plumbing issues for commercial and residential property owners in Sydney. If you want to know more about our services, or if you wish to schedule an appointment, call our direct line on 1300 844 353 today.

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