Is It Time for a Pipe Replacement for your North Shore Home?

Is It Time for a Pipe Replacement for your North Shore Home?

If the drains and sewer lines in your home are starting to give you a headache, it’s time to consider pipe replacement services. While pipe replacement solutions are not the first thing that comes to most homeowners’ minds, it offers a fool proof way to ensure that your home can be protected from future damages. 

While most pipes are designed to last for decades, older pipes, those made from materials such as copper and cast iron, may have started their normal wear and tear process this time around. Steel pipes, while sturdy and durable, are highly corrosive especially in underground conditions. Apart from the continuous pressure of the soil, the interior lining of drains and sewer lines experience a steady flow of wastewater, some of which contain chemicals that result in corrosion. Over time, corrosive materials clog the pipes resulting in deterioration.

If your pipes are starting to show signs of a slowdown, it’s time to consider drains and sewer pipe replacement. Let’s take a look at the signs that indicate your home needs brand new pipes altogether. 

  • The presence of cracks in your pipelines

Some of the signs that your home needs sewer pipe replacement can be difficult to catch at first. If you have a crack in your pipe, it’s actually pretty easy to spot as long as you know where and what to look for.  

You can spot a crack easily along your drains. If you detect water coming out of the drains, it’s a clear indication that you’re dealing with a crack. And no matter how small the crack is, it must be replaced altogether. If there is a minor crack, replacing the pipe wouldn’t be as expensive as replacing an entire sewer line. 

Never ignore wet spots in a part of your home where a nearby drain is located. This is a possible sign that you are dealing with a serious plumbing issue. Neglecting small cracks can turn into catastrophe especially when water starts damaging your walls, flooring, and ceiling. Persistent wet posts can also result in the formation of mould and mildew-both of which can be detrimental to your health and well-being. 

  • Leaky pipes may require drain pipe replacement 

A drain pipe does not have to be cracked for it to leak. Loose connections between joints can result in leakage. At first, the leak may be unnoticeable. However, when this is neglected, the pressure within drains can lead to more significant damages. If detected early, a leak can be resolved with simpler methods such as drain pipe relining services. However, if your pipes are in bad shape, a plumbing specialist may require a full drain pipe replacement. 

  • The appearance of corrosion in drains and sewer lines

If the drains and sewer lines are clogging up more frequently, replacing pipes in your house may be the only option. If your home is outfitted with older pipes, such as those made from cast iron and copper pipes, it may already start showing signs of corrosion. Corrosion happens when steel is exposed to various harsh chemicals for an extended period.

Once the corrosion sets in, it will only be a matter of time before you’re going to need underground pipe replacement. Corrosive materials are more difficult to unclog using traditional means; hence plumbers will typically recommend PVC pipe replacement. Unlike galvanised steel, PVC pipes do not corrode, nor do they deteriorate when exposed to wastewater. 

  • Wastewater backup 

When wastewater starts backing up your kitchen sink, bathtub, or shower, this may be a sign that your drain is severely clogged or suffering from structural damage. Persistent or recurring wastewater backup cannot be fixed by a plunger, drain cleaner, or a snake, it may be best to seek professional expertise. 

If a CCTV pipe inspection shows severe clogging, it may be better to replace the pipes altogether rather than clean the pipes of blockages and other types of debris. A pipe replacement solution will solve the problem. With proper care and maintenance, your new pipelines can last up to fifty years or more. While pipe replacement cost may not be too budget friendly as other repair methods, it delivers a permanent solution to your recurring drains and sewer line issues. 

Professional Sewer Pipe Replacement in North Shore

The next time you suffer any of the signs above, it is best to seek the expertise of a seasoned plumbing company. For all of your replacement needs, you can rely on Revolution Pipe Relining. With more than forty years of expertise in the plumbing industry, our team of pipe replacement specialists can deliver efficient and long-lasting results. You can rest assured of superior quality pipe replacement and outstanding customer service from start to finish.  To learn more or to schedule an appointment with us, please call our direct line on 1300 844 353 today. 

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