The Most Common Causes of Toilet Clogs and Ways to Fix Blocked Toilets in Inner West

The toilet is one of the most used fixtures in the home. A clogged toilet can result in disruption of your normal routines and a messy house when left ignored for a long time. A greater understanding of why toilets get clogged will help in prompt and efficient prevention in the future. Here are the most common causes of blocked toilet drains in Inner West and tried-and-true repair methods. 

  • First-Generation, Low-Flow Toilets

The latest toilet designs utilise low flow designs with water conservation in mind. Its predecessors lack the needed pressure to efficiently clear out the internal trap and drain leading to sudden clogs. To determine whether you have a first-generation low flow toilet at home, look for the stamped date at the back of your toilet. Toilets manufactured in the mid-90s are first generation toilets. But before you consider replacing the entire unit, it may be best to implement clog prevention techniques to save you time and money. 

A good practice to reduce toilet clogs is by disposing of tissues, nappies, sanitary napkins, and tampons into trash bins instead of flushing them. Keep the toilet cover closed to reduce the chances of foreign objects getting flushed down the drain. If these preventive efforts don’t help and you’re still experiencing clogs, it may be best to replace the unit altogether. 

  • Flushing Non-Flushable Items

It may be out of laziness or thoughtlessness that some throw away non-flushable items down the drain. This is a common problem in commercial toilets as many people use them on a regular basis. If you think tissue paper is a flushable item, think again. Similar items such as paper towels and all types of disposable tissues cannot dissolve in water; hence may potentially lead to serious blockages, too. Other foreign objects that are usually being flushed down toilets are cotton balls, wet wipes, dental floss, Q-tips, and many more. 

Children are most likely to flush non-flushable items down toilets. To prevent future clogs, keep items out of their reach or simply place a bin in the bathroom. 

  • Blocked Toilet Trap

The trap is a short, curved porcelain segment outfitted into the lower portion of your toilet. It is designed to hold standing water and prevent sewer gases from entering your home. When you throw non-flushable items into the toilet, they primarily accumulate in the trap portion of your toilet unit. Build-up can result in wastewater backing up your toilet. Using a plunger will loosen up blockage and remove any clog. If you are dealing with more stubborn clogs, you may need to use a toilet auger to pierce through the items and remove clogs in the trap.

  • Blocked Plumbing Vent

Modern toilet models feature roof vents that funnel fresh air into the plumbing system. This fixture also prevents air pressure vacuums that can impede the flow of wastewater along drain lines. Regular use can result in clogs due to the accumulation of leaves, dry leaves, twigs, insects, and other debris. Blocked toilet vents, when left ignored, may reduce the flow efficiency of wastewater out of your home. To fix this issue, it’s best to hire professional plumbers to unblock toilets in your Inner West home. Blocked toilet plumbers use specialised tools and equipment to remove blockages and clear your blocked toilet efficiently and safely.

How to Resolve Blocked Toilet Drains in Inner West

  • Observe Proper Flushing Etiquette

Oftentimes, blocked toilets in Inner West homes occur when users flush all sorts of objects down the drain. When using the toilet, try to reduce the amount of toilet paper used. Never flush down large wads of toilet paper to reduce clogs. Make sure to close the toilet cover after use to prevent accidental falls of foreign objects down the drain. 

  • Keep Toilet Tanks Clear

Keeping the toilet tank clear of any objects will greatly reduce accidentally flushing down non-flushable items down the toilet. 

  • Resolve Slow Moving Drains

A slow or weak flush is an indicator that your toilet is suffering from a blockage. Instead of waiting for the flush to completely go down, it’s best to take care of the problem right away. You may use a plunger to facilitate faster flushing. If using a plunger does not solve your problem, obtain the service of an experienced blocked drain plumber in Inner West. 

Revolution Pipe Relining has been in the business for more than forty years. We have the tools, knowledge, and skills to resolve all types of blocked toilet issues. In case of drain and sewer damage, we also offer pipe relining solutions. Our friendly and courteous plumbers will be at your doorstep as soon as possible to restore comfort and convenience at home. For fast, safe, and affordable blocked toilet cleaning and repair services, call our direct line on +61 1300 833 353 today.


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