The North Shore PVC Pipe Relining Process – When Do You Need One?

The North Shore PVC Pipe Relining Process – When Do You Need One?

Corrosion, leaks, and breaks in old-technology pipe materials can create serious problems for underground drains and sewer lines. Fortunately, we have modern solutions to these issues that allow us to provide reliable clean water and wastewater transport. One of the most popular types of pipes used in these systems is polyvinyl chloride or PVC. This type of pipe material has several advantages over traditional pipes. Let’s look at why it’s such an effective choice. 

PVC is Rust and Corrosion Free 

One of the biggest benefits of choosing PVC pipes for water supply or wastewater systems is that they are rust and corrosion free. While traditional pipes may be prone to rusting from exposure to moisture or chemicals, PVC does not corrode easily. This makes it an ideal material for use in underground pipelines, where traditional materials may be exposed to corrosion or other environmental damage. Additionally, PVC does not require any additional coatings or sealants to protect it from the elements which further reduces costs associated with installation and maintenance.  

Lower Replacement and Maintenance Costs 

Another benefit of using PVC pipes is that they are much more cost-effective than traditional materials when it comes to replacement and maintenance costs. Traditional pipes can be expensive to replace due to their weight and fragility while PVC pipes are lightweight, making them easy to handle during installation, as well as less expensive when it comes time for replacements. Additionally, because they are resistant to corrosion and do not require additional coatings or sealants to protect them from the elements, there are fewer ongoing maintenance costs associated with this type of pipe material than with other options. 

High Impact Strength 

PVC also has a higher impact strength than other piping materials which makes it more durable in high-traffic areas where there is potential for damage due to heavy machinery or vehicles passing by frequently. It also has a high resistance to temperature changes due to its insulation properties which helps keep piping safe even when exposed to extreme temperatures outside or inside the pipeline system itself.  

Recyclable Material 

Finally, PVC is a recyclable material which means that when you need new piping installed you can choose recycled PVC instead of new material if desired. This helps reduce waste production while still providing an effective solution for your needs without sacrificing quality or performance in any way. It also allows you more flexibility when choosing a supplier since many companies offer recycled options at lower prices than brand-new products would cost. 

While there are many benefits to choosing PVC for underground drains and sewer pipelines, they can suffer from damages, too. Root infiltration, earth movement, and natural wear and tear are just some of the factors that result in structural damage and functional issues. In this case, it is best to seek the expertise of professionals to determine the extent of PVC pipe damage. They can also recommend the appropriate service to correct issues. One of the most common repair strategies of damaged PVC pipes is pipe relining. Let’s take a closer look at how PVC pipe relining works. 

What is PVC Pipe Relining Services

If you need pipe repair, but can’t excavate or don’t want to, PVC pipe relining may be the perfect solution. This method is becoming increasingly popular as it saves both time and money. Skilled pipe relining technicians are highly trained in this process and will ensure that the job is done right. Let’s explore why PVC pipe relining is such a great option for no dig pipe repair in North Shore. 

The Basics of PVC Pipe Relining 

PVC pipe relining involves inserting a liner into the existing pipe, which seals any cracks, leaks, or structural damages that reduce the efficiency of underground PVC pipes. The new liner is made from polyester resin-infused felt tubing, which is then inflated with an air bladder and left to cure. Once cured, the new liner becomes a seamless one-piece tube that takes on all the properties of a brand-new pipe, featuring superior strength and flexibility. The PVC pipeline relining process eliminates root intrusion, leaving your pipes clear and free flowing again.

Cost Savings & Environmental Benefits 

By opting for PVC pipe relining in North Shore instead of excavation, you save on labour costs associated with digging up the ground around your pipes to fix them. This method also helps reduce environmental damage by avoiding the disruption caused by large machinery used during excavation. Additionally, since there are no trenches dug up to access your pipes, there is a reduced chance of soil contamination from spilled chemicals used during excavation, ultimately resulting in less waste. 

Durability & Longevity 

The cured-in-place piping (CIPP) technology used in PVC pipe relining solutions offer superior durability compared to traditional methods like excavation and replacement. Since there is no possibility for additional cracking or shifting due to outside pressure or environmental changes like temperature fluctuations, you can rest assured that your pipes will remain intact for years to come! The CIPP technology also requires very little maintenance once installed. It’s virtually self-perpetuating since it creates its own seal around any cracks or leaks that might exist in the existing pipeline structure. 

When Do I Need PVC Sewer Pipe Relining?

It’s vital to be aware of the signs that indicate you need to consider relining your sewer pipes. After all, acting quickly can save you a lot of stress and money in the long run. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of telltale signs that might mean it’s time to reline your PVC pipes. 

What are the Tell-Tale Signs of PVC Pipe Damage? 

The most obvious sign that you should start thinking about pipe relining is clogs or rust in your drains, sinks and showers. Other signs include water backing up in these fixtures, poor water quality, sludge building up in your bathtub, toilets gurgling and an unpleasant smell coming from your garden when you’re outside. 

What Should I Do if I Notice These Signs? 

If you notice any of these signs, then it’s time to call in an expert PVC pipe relining contractor in North Shore for a thorough inspection. A professional PVC pipeline relining expert will be able to accurately diagnose the condition of your pipes and advise on whether relining them is necessary. If it is necessary, then they will be able to recommend the best approach for conducting pipe relining at your property.

The next time you suspect damage in your underground PVC pipes, call on the expertise of Revolution Pipe Relining. Leveraging more than four decades of experience in rehabilitating PVC pipes, you can rest easy knowing that our PVC pipe relining technicians have the necessary know-how and technical skills to perform an excellent job from start to finish. For dependable and competitively priced PVC pipeline relining services in Northern Beaches, call our direct line on 1300 844 353 today. We will be more than happy to provide you with a quote or schedule an inspection as soon as possible. 

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