The Signs and Causes of Clogs that May Require Blocked Drain Repair

The Signs and Causes of Clogs that May Require Blocked Drain Repair

Blocked drains are a recurring issue for homeowners and commercial business owners alike. If you want to ensure clear and free-flowing drains, it’s best to learn everything about blocked drain- it’s causes, signs and symptoms, and various blocked drain repair techniques that North Shore owners must consider. 

Signs that Prompt Blocked Drain Repair in North Shore

Unpleasant Smell

Sewer smell that emanates from drain openings or the noxious smell of household waste are signs that your drains may be suffering from serious clogs. Waste materials, including paper, plastic, fats, hairs, and other organic matter can clog drain pipes as they rot away over time. 


When you flush the toilet and the water does not drain efficiently, this is a warning sign that clogs along your drain are making it challenging for water and waste materials to flow efficiently to the sewer line. A blocked sewer drain will only get worse if no interventions such as blocked drain repair is implemented right away. Even clean water overflowing from toilet bowls can result in extensive property damage. 

Unusual sounds

When water flows around an isolated block along your drains and sewer lines, you will start hearing odd gurgling sounds emanating from pipes, showers, and sinks that are indicative of trapped air. Noises near shower drains and bathtubs may indicate blockages further down your drain or sewer line. 

Slow drains

If the water drains slowly down your sinks, baths, and toilet bowls, or if you notice the formation of bubbles or backwash, these are probable signs of a blocked sewer drain. A blockage obstructs the flow of water and waste materials. Several fixtures may be affected as a result. If the water level in the basin changes when you flush the toilet bowl, this is a clear sign that blockage may be located along the main sewer drain of your home or business property. 

Causes of Blocked Drain in North Shore

There are many factors that contribute to a blocked drainage system in your residential or commercial property in North Shore. Here are some of the most common causes:

Tree Root Intrusions 

One of the most common causes of damage are the invasion of tree roots into hairline cracks found most commonly in older pipes. Root intrusions typically occur during dry months of the year, when plants are looking for better water sources. Old clay pipes and steel pipes with corrosion are vulnerable to tree root damage. 

Toiletry Blockage 

Wet wipes, tissue paper, sanitary products, and excessive toilet paper can cause severe blockage. Throwing toiletries down the toilet, sink, or shower drainage can result in blocks, or worse, damage your drainage system. Instead of throwing toiletry products down the drain, experts highly recommend throwing them in rubbish bins instead. 

Foreign Objects

Start teaching your children early about the importance of keeping their toys away from the toilet. Apart from hygiene reasons, when children flush down foreign objects such as toys down the train, these things can be difficult to retrieve and contribute to more severe plumbing issues in your North Shore home or business property. 

Cooking Oil and Fats

If you are disposing cooking oil, fats, and grease down the drain, they can coat the pipes and harden over time, resulting in obstruction. 

Food Scraps

If your sink does not have a garbage disposal in place, food waste will eventually block your sink drains. Blocked sewer drain is more challenging to resolve if the food waste has started rotting or has hardened over time. 

Mineral Build-Up

If your area is known to have a hard water supply, it’s best to install a water softened into your water supply to prevent the build-up of minerals such as calcium and limescale. These substances can restrict the smooth flow of water down the drain. 

Soap and other Bathing Products 

Soap bars are usually made from fats and oils; hence soap bar scum can accumulate and thicken inside drains. Additionally, soap scum can bind with dirt and other items that turn into clogs. To prevent this from happening again, it is best to look for soap-free alternatives that do not contain oils and fats. 

Hair Strands

Regular shampooing not only results in hair loss but can seriously clog your shower or tub rains. If you wash your pets in the shower, their hairs can also end up blocking sewer pipes. 

How to Solve Blocked Sewer Drains

If you are looking for a permanent fix to blocked sewer pipes, it is best to leave this to the professionals. Here at Revolution Pipe Relining, we have more than 40 years of experience in resolving blocked drains and sewer lines. Depending on the severity of blockage, we can implement various methods, including cleaning, repair, and pipe relining. If you suspect a blocked drain in your North Shore home or business, contact us today on 1300 844 353 today.


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