Top 4 Helpful DIY Tips from Pros for Blocked Drain Repair

Top 4 Helpful DIY Tips from Pros for Blocked Drain Repair

When it comes to blocked drains and sewer lines, the old adage, “prevention is better than cure,” is indeed a fitting adage. As a North Shore homeowner, it’s important for you to understand your sewer system. This is to ensure that you have basic knowledge of how to perform emergency repairs, when needed. Let’s admit it! Calling a blocked drain sewer pipe plumber is not the first thing that we think about when we deal with slow-moving drains or water backups. So, how do you perform blocked drain repair all by yourself? Let’s take a look!

What causes Blocked Drains in North Shore Homes?

The most common cause of blocked drains is the build-up of thicker oils and grease at one point of your drain or sewer lines. Hygiene products, such as soap suds and sludge from the use of soaps and shampoos may also accumulate and cause clogs. 

Without proper care and cleaning maintenance, your drains and sewer lines can end up chronically blocked resulting in all sorts of issues that can affect your comfort and convenience. 

How Serious are Blocked Drains

When left ignored, blocked drains and sewer pipelines can lead to a few inconveniences:

  • Flooding, leakage, and water damage
  • Backed-up drains
  • Persistent foul odour due to trapped decaying food items
  • Stagnant water in showers, toilets, and kitchen sinks resulting in a musty smell

In essence, the longer you neglect resolving this issue, the more extensive work will get once you ask for professionals to resolve the blockage. Additionally, DIY repairs will be rendered useless at this point. In fact, trying to fix these issues can lead to more costly repairs, or worse, total replacement in the future. 

How to Fix Blocked Sewer Drain without Professional Help

  • You can use a regular drain strainer to prevent food items and other solid debris from entering your pipes. All collected waste must be thrown to a bin instead. 
  • Instead of washing grease and thick oils in the sink, use a paper towel to wipe them off. 
  • If you are washing greasy or oily dishes, use hot water to melt them speedily and effectively. 
  • Do not dispose of falling hair down the drain. This is where a strainer becomes rather useful in bathtubs, showers, and toilets.  

If you are starting to notice tell-tale signs of drain blockage, such as water backing up, slow-moving drains, and foul smell emanating from the drains, we highly recommend following the quick fixes we enumerated earlier. 

Other DIY Tips to Clear Blocked Sewer Drains 

  • Pour Boiling Water Down the Drain 

Boiling water can melt a few of the build-up along the drain pipes. It is important to pour it slowly in a few stages to allow the water to break down the build-ups in between pours. 

Combine ½ cup of salt, ½ cup baking soda, and 1 cup of vinegar to help break down the blockage. This simple and all-natural anti-clog remedy works excellently on smaller clogs. Additionally, this DIY solution is also a great measure to prevent clogs. 

  • Use a Plunger

For minor blockages, you can always use a trusty plunger at home. If a chemical drain cleaner does not work in unclogging the blockage, the next DIY measure is to use a plunger to release the clog effectively. 

  • Consider Using a Chemical Drain Cleaner 

You can use a chemical drain cleaner as they are effective in dissolving most foreign objects that are commonly thrown down the drain. For instance, chemical drain cleaners can dissolve items such as soap scum, hair, and organic waste. However efficient in clearing out minor clogs, these formulations can be dangerous to the environment. It is therefore important to read the instructions before using them in your home. 

  • Clear the U-Bend

This measure is usually recommended for homeowners with basic plumbing knowledge. In most cases, grease and oil build-up doesn’t get too far down a drain or sewer line. To resolve this, an advanced DIY-er can be resolved by cleaning the U-bend found that is usually found under the sink. You can unclog a blocked sewer pipe by opening the U-bend and collecting all debris found along this section of the pipeline. When it’s free from debris and clogs, you can then give it a nice scrub to restore optimal flow efficiency. 

And When All Else Fails

If all these DIY tips don’t work, it’s time to call in the pros. Revolution Pipe Relining has been an established plumbing company in North Shore and surrounding suburbs. Apart from our expertise in resolving damaged pipes through sewer and drain pipe relining, we also offer blocked drain repair, a method that can prevent more costly repairs in the future. If you want to schedule a CCTV pipe inspection or a simple blocked drain repair, call us on 1300 844 353 today.


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