Why Should You Consider Cast Iron Pipe Relining for your Sydney Home or Business?

Majority of residential homes and commercial buildings in Sydney were outfitted with cast iron sewer pipes until about the 80s. Although cast iron pipes possess good qualities, they do have their own sets of flaws as well. If you still have cast iron pipes installed at your home or place of business, now may be the time to consider cast iron pipe relining services from a trusted Sydney pipe relining specialist. 

Cast iron sewer pipes only last for 50 years. Working cast iron sewer pipes that exceed this threshold will only bring havoc to your property. It is important to determine how long has the cast iron sewage system in your property in operation. You may obtain the services of a plumbing company for CCTV pipe inspection to evaluate the overall condition of your sewage system. 

What are cast iron pipes?

Cast iron is a metal alloy made from combining iron, carbon, and silicone. These substances were cast in a mould to create sewage pipes for homes and businesses. Due to its durability and easy accessibility, cast iron pipes became a common fixture in sewage systems for homes and businesses in Australia in the early 19th century. It was the invention of PVC that eradicated the use of cast iron pipes in the late 20th century. As PVC pipes are cheaper and possess longevity and durability characteristics of cast iron pipes, they are now the most common options in the development of sewage pipelines in Australia. 

Why should you reline cast iron pipes?

Cast iron is usually long-lasting, especially those that are developed into cookware. Sadly, cast iron pipes used for underground sewerage systems are a different case altogether. It can be challenging to maintain cast iron pipes as different types of substances and chemicals run along their lines on a regular basis. 

Cast iron pipes corrode after some time. Just like any metal, cast iron metals suffer from corrosion, too. An untouched or unused cast iron system can last for 75 years or longer. But for cast iron sewer pipes that encounter daily activity, they can only last for a few decades. Underground sewer lines made from cast iron are constantly exposed to harsh conditions. For instance, the accumulation of soil and clay can have a negative impact on the overall integrity and stability of cast iron pipes. 

The substances that run through sewer lines are no joke. Substances such as dirty water, food debris, grease, soap, toilet paper, and human waste can speed up the speed of corrosion and can result in health concerns in the case of leaks and major damages. 

The use of chemicals to solve common plumbing problems, such as chemical drain cleaners, also contribute to faster corrosion of cast iron pipes. The chemicals found in drain cleaners may be effective in dissolving grease and other food debris, but they can cause serious damage on pipe systems altogether. Studies reveal that the use of commercially available drain cleaners and similar products are the main contributors to shortened lifespan of cast iron sewage pipes. 

Another issue that comes with cast iron pipes is that of scaling. The accumulation of water along pipes always lead to the development of rust. Daily wear and tear in combination to rust build-up can lead to major clogs along your pipeline. A common solution for rust build-up is hydro jetting, which is the introduction of high-pressure water into cast iron pipe systems. Although effective, hydro jetting is only a short-term solution and may even weaken your sewer pipes in the long term. 

Cast Iron Pipe Relining- A Permanent Solution to your Sewage Damage Problems

The most effective way of solving cast iron problems is through relining cast iron drain pipes. Cast iron pipe relining is the most cost efficient and fastest means to restore the functionality and durability of your existing sewage system. The process starts by hydro jetting the cast iron pipes to clear debris and remove scaling along the pipeline. 

A CCTV drain pipe inspection is also called for during pipe relining for Sydney homes. This will help in determining the location and severity of damage. CCTV pipe inspection also assists pipe relining specialists in identifying the best materials and technique to use for the activity. For relining cast iron drain pipes, relining specialists usually use a pipe lining material made of a long fabric sock filled with epoxy resin. 

The beauty of cast iron pipe relining is that it makes use of trenchless technology, a non-invasive procedure that is highly efficient in solving small and big cast iron pipe issues. There is no trenching required, which means homeowners and commercial property owners don’t have to spend a lot to obtain this service. Pipe relining cost for cast iron lines are considerably cheaper when compared alongside replacing the entire system with new PVC pipes. When done by a reputable pipe relining specialist, a cast iron relining service can last for 50 years or longer. 

If you have clogged or damaged cast iron pipes in your home or business, let Revolution Pipe Relining resolve the issue with our cast iron pipe relining services. We are equipped with the latest equipment, tools, and technology to implement fast, effective, and inexpensive pipe relining services in Sydney. For more information or if you wish to schedule an inspection of your cast iron pipes, you may call our direct line on 1300 844 353 today.

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